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"Top 10" Reasons for A Stop Work Order

The Department of Buildings issues a Stop Work Order (SWO) at a work site when inspectors determine a site has unsafe work or conditions and asks contractors to keep their work sites in safe condition to avoid any unnecessary project delays.

As listed on the Department's website, in the first quarter of 2024, the top 10 violating conditions resulting in an SWO are:

  1. Miscellaneous Violations

  2. Work Without a Permit

  3. Work Does Not Conform to Approved Construction Documents And/or Approved Amendments

  4. Failure To Maintain Display on Site Documents Required by BC Chapter 33

  5. Failure To Safeguard All Persons and Property Affected by Construction Operations

  6. Multiple Violating Conditions

  7. Unlawfully Continued Work While on Notice of a Stop Work Order

  8. Failure To Maintain Adequate Housekeeping Per Section Requirements

  9. Failure To Institute Maintain Safety Equipment Etc., - No Guard Rails

  10. Electrical Work Without a Permit

See DOB's new Stop Work Order interactive map.


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