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Energy Efficiency Report (EER) submission extended

In response to the ongoing COVID-19 public health emergency, owners of covered buildings who are not able to submit the required Energy Efficiency Report (EER) by the December 31, 2020 deadline, due to COVID-19 complications, may file for a six-month extension.

Extension Reasons

Local Law 87/09 allows building owners required to submit an EER to file an extension request for one of the following reasons:

Good Faith Efforts

(1) An owner may apply for an extension of time to file an EER if, despite good faith efforts, the owner is unable to complete the required energy audit and retro- commissioning prior to the due date of the report, for reasons other than financial hardship of the building

Financial Hardship

(2) An owner may apply for annual extensions of time to file an EER based on the financial hardship of the building.

Successful filing of an extension request by December 31, 2020 will extend the EER submission due date to June 30, 2021.

Apply for an Extension

To apply for the COVID-19 EER filing extension, email a completed EER2 Application to The Department will confirm receipt of the EER2 application via an email that will include instructions on how to make the required payment. DOB encourages owners of covered buildings to visit the Energy Audits and Retro-Commissioning page for further details.

Assistance with Local Law 87/09 inquiries is also available through the NYC Sustainability Help Center, Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm by phone at (212) 566-5584 or by email at


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