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$21m To Install EV Fast Chargers Across New York

Initial round of funding focuses on Upstate charging along key travel corridors


Governor Kathy Hochul has announced a $21 million initiative to install electric vehicle (EV) fast chargers along major travel routes in New York State. Funded through the federal National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program, this initiative aims to expand the state’s charging infrastructure, focusing on locations north of Interstate 84 and extending to Buffalo and the Canadian border.

The Upstate NEVI Direct Current Fast Charger (DCFC) program, administered by NYSERDA in partnership with NYSDOT, will provide funding to developers for installing fast chargers on designated Alternative Fuel Corridors. Sites will need to meet federal guidelines, including 24/7 accessibility, charging capacity for at least four vehicles, and high uptime requirements.

This program is part of New York’s larger efforts to electrify transportation, with over 15,000 EV chargers already installed statewide. The expansion supports New York's climate agenda, which aims for all new passenger vehicles to be zero emissions by 2035. Proposals for the initial round of funding are due by December 4, 2024.

Additionally, federal support continues to drive clean energy investments, helping New York lead the way in green transportation and a sustainable future.🀰


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