On September 12, 2016, the third phase of the DOB NOW program - Safety - was put into effect. The new phase provides an online portal for registered users to submit their façade compliance filings with the New York City Department of Buildings (DOB). This phase, along with three others - Inspection, Build, and Licensing - originated in a 2015 policy conference, Building One City, during which Mayor Bill de Blasio introduced the $29.6 million plan to overhaul the DOB’s archaic, paper-based transaction system. The plan’s overall goal is to take a wide range of administration, compliance and expediting tasks for building owners, developers, contractors, and engineers, and bring them to an electronic platform to improve communication and interaction with the DOB. The four phase plan, which began in 2015 and will continue into 2017, is aimed at facilitating the inspection, compliance and construction permit process in New York City. The plan’s final phase - Licensing - will be released in 2017.
The Four Phases of DOB NOW:

Inspections –in effect December 7, 2015 - is the new name for Inspection Ready. All current functionality remains the same for online scheduling, tracking, and notifications as well as enforcement and development inspections.Licensed professionals and owners are required to use the platform to request inspections for the following: • Electrical • Signs • Fire Suppression• Boilers • Construction • Cranes & Derricks • Elevators • BPP • Oil Burning Equipment • Sustainability • Plumbing • High Rise Initiative

Build - in effect July 25, 2016 - includes job filings, permits, and Letters of Completion. This new online job filing and permit portal is live for plumbing and sprinkler job filings. Professional Engineers (PE), Registered Architects (RA), Licensees, Special Inspectors, Progress Inspectors, Filing Representatives and Owners can now use the system to submit jobs to the Department of Buildings for Plumbing and Sprinklers and can: • File jobs and submit fees online • View and search information related to your Jobs & Permits • Upload documents • View objections • Schedule and review objections with a plan examiner in a virtual meeting • Receive emails at milestones throughout the application process • File Post Approval Amendments • Make Corrections • Pull and print After Hour Variances • Pull and print work permits • Receive email with Letter of Completion.

Safety – in effect September 12, 2016 -includes all compliance filings (façades, elevators, boilers). This new online compliance filing portal is NOW LIVE for façade compliance filings.Licensees, Filing Representatives, Registered Architects, Professional Engineers and Owners are required to use the new system to submit compliance filings for façade work and can use the system to: • Submit façade compliance filings and report unsafe façade activity • Make payments • View and search information related to your façade filings • Upload documents • View the status of a façade filing • Receive emails at milestones throughout the filing process

Licensing – set to go live in 2017 - will allow exam filing, issuance, and renewal for Licensees to be online.
The Department of Buildings ensures the safe and lawful use of nearly one million buildings and properties in New York City, and by improving the connectivity, efficiency and accuracy between those who operate in the industry, the DOB can ensure the proper level of integrity and safety is maintained in the construction field. The DOB NOW program supports the workers and companies that sustain New York City’s economy and neighborhoods by making it easier to submit applications, make payments, schedule appointments, check application, obtain inspection statuses, pull permits, and make renewals.